
9+ Character Names A name of anywhere from 3-16 letters is legal for email accounts and FTP accounts. There is no... Accessing Your E-Mail Control Panel Anonymous FTP Setup We do not allow anonymous FTP access. Basic Account Information Inside the home directory are many files and other directories. The most directory is "www" on... Changing Your Password If for any reason you want to change your password for your account, please email... Checking Server Space Usage You can find out how much space is in use by the www files for your domain by using a program... How do I add POP email accounts? (Windows) On Windows hosting plans you can add email accounts online @ How to block the MyDoom/Novarg virus To block the MyDoom/Novarg virus you need to use domain processing rules within Imail. This can... Jmail Sample ASP Script <%@LANGUAGE = VBSCRIPT%> <html><body> <% ' Create the JMail message... Live Graphical Web Statistics (Windows) To access your Live Graphical Web Statistics type the following in your web... Password Protected Web Directory To password protect different directories on your domain please contact Setting Permissions Windows hosting accounts do not require that you to set annoying file permissions on your files.... Setting up Your Own You can customize this by modifying the missing.html on your virtual server. If you do not have... Setting up an ODBC Datasource for use with MS SQL databases Before you can transfer your existing Access database to MS SQL, you will need to Upsize it. This... Upsizing an Access 2000 database After you have designed your database in Access 2000, initiate the Upsizing Wizard by selecting... Using Enterprise Manager to Manage Your Database You can connect to our SQL Server though SQL Server Enterprise Manager which is included with MS... What is MS SQL Server? Microsoft SQL Server is a high performance database which can be used in place of Access... phpMyAdmin phpMyAdmin is used to connect to MySQL databases. If you would like us to install phpMyAdmin on...
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